Performance-based marketing campaigns Telemarketing Lists today can target so many different variables that you need to find out which ones work best for your goals. Although Pinterest advertising is not yet available in the Netherlands, I had the privilege of running a campaign for one of our clients, Dremel. In this article I share some results and Telemarketing Lists findings with you. I also offer a complete overview of all possibilities for Pinterest advertising and a sneak preview of what we have been waiting for (and still) for a long time in the Netherlands: the Promoted Pins. In 2012, I wrote about the emergence of a new social network: Pinterest . This digital bulletin board has been around since 2010, but at the time of my blog there was still an invite-only way to Telemarketing Lists sign up. Now it is different: every month there are two hundred million pinners active, who jointly place billions of pins.
There are now about 2.5 million active Telemarketing Lists users in the Netherlands. And although in terms of new developments, more seems to be happening around Instagram, Messenger and Snapchat these days, Pinterest is not sitting still. Just think of Pinterest Lens , the technology that makes it possible to search visually. Still, Dutch Telemarketing Lists companies and brands have been waiting for a while for new ways to reach Pinterest users, namely via advertising on Pinterest. Last October it was already written here on Frank watching that it would not be long . After all, it has been possible to use the so-called Promoted pins abroad since January 2015. I will give Telemarketing Lists you a brief overview of the current possibilities. Advertising Variants on Pinterest Promoted Pins This is how Pinterest calls its ads.
Pins from advertisers that appear in the home Telemarketing Lists feed between the Pins of your friends and brands you follow. Pinterest has been testing this since 2013, only to roll it out in the United States on January 1, 2015 . The Promoted Telemarketing Lists then became available in more countries in 2016: in the UK in April and Canada followed in December . At the beginning of this year it was Ireland, New Zealand and Australia's turn . Cinematic Pins & App Pins In mid-2015, while the Promoted Pins were still only available in the US, Pinterest Telemarketing Lists introduced a new ad format: the Cinematic Pins . These pins animate at the speed of scrolling – a unique format.